Zero CO2

About Us


Master Battery is a company specialized in producing and distributing autonomous energy. With our own factories in Europe and Asia, the company has been created with Spanish capital. This ensures an exhaustive quality control over our solutions, adding value to them. At the same time, it allows the collaboration between both countries.

Master Battery is a leading brand in energy solutions and services of high added value. We work with several sectors, such as security, defense, transportation, traffic, energy and industry, telecommunications, naval, fishing, amongst other sectors in which our energy solutions are present.

Master Battery follows a value-creating strategy. It offers a global management model that covers client's needs. This model starts with the design of the solution, going through the development and implantation, and ending with the operative management.

Master Battery supplies its clients with a complete and valuable offer for their energy needs. It includes consulting, project development, and integration in their applications.

01. Our vision

Our vision in  Master Battery is to become a company that offers innovation to our internal and external costumers (clients, employees, providers, etc.). In the long term, we want to create a sustainable business.

For Master Battery, the company's responsibility goes together with its natural activity, with the creation of wealth, and, in our case, through a generation of solutions and services, with all that makes us different and unique.

02. Sustainability

Our sustainability is linked to the relationship we have with what we call our "strategic customers": employees, clients, and providers.

The innovations we can offer in each sector are part of the most important fields of responsibility that the company has. For this reason, our sustainability vision rests primarily upon people. They are the ones responsible for innovation, for they are the ones who learn, teach, and carry out the research. To sum up, they innovate in solutions, services, ways of creating, and, finally, of thinking.

03. Corporate Identity

The corporate identity of Master Battery has been created taking into account the visual language. On one hand, we get to maintain the company's essence, its logo and corporate colors. On the other hand, we go for a simpler and lighter look, which helps us to better transmit the company's essence.

With the simplicity of minimalism as a source of inspiration, the brand strengthens the four main values of Master Battery´s corporate culture: simplicity, rigor, sensibility and originality.